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          A hybrid energy system combines the on-grid and off-grid components. The following components are used while installing the hybrid solar system at your home or a commercial location:


Solar Panel: Solar panel forms the base of the solar energy system without this the powerful solar radiations cannot be extracted and used. The solar radiation in the form of photons falls on the solar panel and generates electricity in the form of DC energy.


Direct Current Distribution Box(DCDB): DCDB is a combiner box, its primary function is to combine the multiple strings of solar panels into one. This box consists of protection components such as a miniature circuit breaker(MCB), fuse and surge protection device.


Charge Controller: This component is assembled with the battery to control the amount of charge streaming into the battery. The major task of the controller is to regulate the flow of charges and prevent the battery from over or undercharging, thus increasing the lifespan of the battery.


Hybrid Inverter: The inverter is an essential component of the solar energy system, it helps in converting the generated DC energy from the solar panel or battery into usable AC energy.

The inverter offers monitoring of the energy spent, received, consumed or stored in the battery; it helps in monitoring the performance of the solar panel as well as the battery.


Alternating Current Distribution Box (ACDB): The primary function of the ACDB is to protect the appliances from any fault that occurs in the hybrid inverter,it consists of protective appliances such as a miniature circuit breaker(MCB), fuse and surge protection device.


Batteries: For off-grid and hybrid solar systems, batteries play an important role to store the surplus energy produced during the sunny day and is retrieved later during cloudy weather or night when the solar panel is not able to produce a sufficient amount of power. For renewable energy systems, rechargeable batteries such as lithium or lead-acid batteries are recommended.


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